Howdy! Welcome to the Web World of 

Larry Edwards             

(No, I'm not praying. I'm posing a pointed question at an America's Cup press conference.)

I'm a journalist by trade, but now specialize in Webtop publishing as a founding partner in

Events On Line.

That's the outfit that designed and developed the content for the hugely popular

America's Cup On Line.

I'm also the editor of our new on-line sailing magazine

The Sailing Site

and publish a personal newsletter called the

Red Pint Rag

(not on the Web yet, but it's coming).

Cool Stuff I Like To Do

Web Sites Not to Be Missed (beyond the obvious)

Sounding Off

Pet Peeve(s)


Why is it that when you're dog tired and ready to pound the pillow, that after brushing your teeth you're suddenly wide awake? (I lose a lot of sleep over this one. ;-})

Some of My Favorite Things

Send your comments, complaints or unfounded catcalls to

Thanks for stopping by. See ya.

© 1995, Larry M. Edwards